OpenID Connect: Adding an Identity Layer to OAuth 2.0

This blog post is complementary material of the IAM Crashcasts. The original episode can be found below.

In today's episode of "Identity and Access Management Crashcasts," we explore OpenID Connect, a protocol that adds an identity layer to OAuth 2.0. Understanding OpenID Connect is essential for developers working with modern web and mobile applications. Let's dive into its history, key components, real-world implementations, and best practices.

What is OpenID Connect?

OpenID Connect was developed to address a gap in OAuth 2.0. While OAuth 2.0 is great for authorization, it doesn't inherently provide a standard way to get identity information about the user. OpenID Connect, created in 2014, adds an identity layer on top of OAuth 2.0, allowing for both authentication and authorization in a standardized manner.

How OpenID Connect Extends OAuth 2.0

OpenID Connect builds on OAuth 2.0 by introducing a new token type called an ID token, which is a JSON Web Token (JWT). A JWT is a secure way of transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. This ID token contains claims about the authenticated user. OpenID Connect also introduces standard endpoints and scopes specifically for identity-related information. This allows applications to not only get access tokens for authorization but also verify the identity of the user.

Key Components of OpenID Connect

  1. ID Token: A JWT that contains claims about the authenticated user.
  2. Claims: Pieces of information about the user or the authentication event, included in the ID token.
  3. Scopes: Used to request specific sets of claims.
  4. Endpoints: Standard URLs for identity-related information.

Understanding Claims and Scopes


Claims are pieces of information about the user or the authentication event. They're included in the ID token, which we can think of as our "digital passport". Common claims include the user's name, email, and when they were authenticated. OpenID Connect defines a set of standard claims, but providers can also include custom claims to provide additional information.


Scopes in OpenID Connect are used to request specific sets of claims. For example, the 'profile' scope might request access to the user's name, picture, and other profile information. The 'email' scope would request access to the user's email address. This allows applications to request only the information they need.

Real-World Implementation: Google Sign-In

One of the most common implementations of OpenID Connect is Google Sign-In. When you see a "Sign in with Google" button on a website, that's often using OpenID Connect. Google acts as the Identity Provider, authenticating the user and providing identity information to the application.

OpenID Connect vs. SAML

While both OpenID Connect and SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) are used for authentication and single sign-on, OpenID Connect is generally considered more modern and web-friendly. It uses JSON and is designed to work well with RESTful APIs, making it easier to implement in modern web and mobile applications. SAML, on the other hand, uses XML and is more common in enterprise environments.

Common Pitfalls and Best Practices

Common Pitfalls

  1. Improper Token Validation: It's crucial to verify the token's signature, expiration time, and intended audience to prevent security vulnerabilities.
  2. Confusing ID Token with Access Token: Remember, the ID token is for authentication, while the access token is for authorization.

Best Practices

  1. Always Use HTTPS: Protect token transmission by using HTTPS.
  2. Implement Proper Token Validation: Ensure the ID token's signature, expiration time, and audience are correctly validated.
  3. Use Appropriate Scopes: Request only the information your application needs.
  4. Regularly Audit and Rotate Client Secrets: Maintain security by regularly auditing and rotating client secrets.

Quiz Answer: Authentication vs. Authorization

The primary difference between authentication and authorization is that authentication verifies who someone is, while authorization determines what they're allowed to do. In the context of OpenID Connect, the ID token handles authentication, proving the user's identity, while the access token from OAuth 2.0 handles authorization, granting access to specific resources.


To summarize today's episode:

  1. OpenID Connect adds an identity layer to OAuth 2.0, introducing ID tokens for authentication alongside access tokens for authorization.
  2. It uses claims to provide user information and scopes to request specific sets of claims.
  3. Real-world implementations like Google Sign-In are common.
  4. While similar to technologies like SAML, OpenID Connect is more suited for modern web and mobile applications.
  5. Proper implementation and following best practices are crucial for OpenID Connect security.

By understanding and implementing OpenID Connect effectively, developers can enhance the security and user experience of their applications. For more insights and expert advice on identity and access management, subscribe to "Identity and Access Management Crashcasts" and stay tuned for our upcoming episodes. Until next time, keep your identities secure and your access well-managed!

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